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Automating Payables in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

PDG implemented an Automated Payables solution into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for our client who had contracted with AvidXchange’s service

implemented an Automated Payables solution into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central


We created a Visio of the proceses:

•Import a .csv file from AvidX of vendor invoices to be created.

•Create the purchase invoices inside Business Central

•Export out a payment file from Business Central, which our client could send to Avid, who would then write the checks.


Importing AP Invoices

•Import a .csv file from AvidX of vendor invoices to be created.

•Create the purchase invoices inside Business Central


Importing AP Invoices

Input file of vendor invoices from AvidXchange

  • Notice that one invoice number will repeat if there are multiple line-items

  • The Invoice URL column contains a link to an image of the vendor invoice, copy stored on AvidX server. We added an additional field on the BC invoice to store and display that image.

  • The Accounting Code column is the G/L Account in BC.


Importing AP Invoices

Once the .csv file has been imported to Business Central -

Users will:

1) Create Invoice

2) Show Invoice

The column on the right with the red rectangle shows the BC invoice numbers after the user has clicked the "Create Invoice" button. Clicking on the Show Invoice button will bring up a picture of the invoice, which is really an HTTP link to the Avid Exchange site holding the respective document. Those links are stored in the Invoice URL field on the unposted and posted invoices.


Importing AP Invoices

Errors are trapped. The invoice won’t be created if there is an error.

In this case below (see line in red) the Department Code Dimension is Blocked within Business Central.


Importing AP Invoices

Using Dimension Value 48 for the Department Dimension is Blocked. That entry will fail.


Importing AP Invoices

Users can correct the error and try to “Create Invoice” again. This time they enter "47", which is an acceptable dimension.


Importing AP Invoices

Error has been corrected and invoice was created.

User can “Show Invoice” by clicking that button.


Importing AP Invoices

Business Central Invoice 130612 was created from Vendor invoice 878.

Only when there is an error will the user need to process an individual line entry; otherwise the app will process all unprocessed records that have been imported.


Importing AP Invoices

From the Business Central Invoice there is a link to the vendor’s invoice, stored on the AvidX Server


Importing AP Invoices

Once all the lines on the Invoice Data List have been processed as BC Invoices, then set the Filter to “Processed = No”. This will clear the Invoice Data List to make it ready to import the next batch from Avid Exchange as an Excel file of payables invoices.


Exporting Payments

The second phase of this custom project was to create the output file of approved payments in the exact format that AvidX would accept.

This file would be sent to Avid Exchange so they could process checks in payment of the approved invoices.

The requirement document is below and our Visio of the output process is the following picture.


Exporting Payments

Export out a payment file from Business Central, which our client could send to AvidX, who would then write the checks.


Exporting Payments

Export out a payment file from Business Central, which our client could send to Avid, who would then write the checks.

Suggest Vendor Payments from the Prepare menu.


Exporting Payments

  • The Payment Journal Batch is now populated with invoices approved to pay.

  • Each line is a single invoice or credit for a vendor.

  • When the file reaches Avid Exchange, their software will summarize the charges and credits to create one check per vendor, with the invoices/credits listed on the stub.

  • Users will generate the Excel file for AvidX by clicking our custom button: “Generate AvidX Payment File”.


Exporting Payments

This is the Excel file exported from the payment batch.

Avid Exchange will process the lines to create summarized checks for each vendor


Exporting Payments

The final step in the process is uploading the Excel file above to the Avid Exchange Portal so they can write and mail the vendor checks.



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PDG Consultants, Inc.

Steve Simon, President

606 N. Osceola Ave

Apt. West

Clearwater, FL 33755

Cell: 201-951-6488

PDG Consultants. Microsoft Certified Partners.
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