Business Central: External Document No Hidden on the Vendor Applied Invoices Page
Problem: Unable to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
Our Business Central client is spending too much time trying to verify which vendor invoices were applied to which payments.
While the payment journal shows the External Document Number of the applied invoices at the time of payment, this information becomes unavailable after the payment is posted to the Vendor Ledger.
The Vendor Ledger does not display the "External Document Number" (the vendor invoice number), and this field cannot be added through the personalization options.
Although the External Document Number field exists in the system's code, a developer is needed to make it visible in the User Interface. The following slides demonstrate how this can be achieved – saving the accounting user many hours per week.
Problem: Unable to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
Let's look at the vendor card and Ledger entries to inspect a vendor payment to see which vendor invoices were applied and whether we will be able to see the External Document Number on the applied invoices.
Problem: Unable to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
Looking at the vendor Ledger entries, the vendor invoice number is to be found in the External Document Number column.
While we can see external document numbers here, we need only to see the ones applied to the specific vendor payment
Problem: Unable to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
By looking at the Vendor Ledger Entries page in Business central and clicking on “Unapply Entries” we will be able to drill into the invoices applied against that payment and hopefully see the External Document Numbers of the invoices.
Problem: Unable to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
Viewing the “Unapply Vendor Entries” Page we cannot find the External Document Number column. Instead, it shows the Initial Document Number column with a system generated number for the Applied invoice.
Problem: Unable to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
We opened the Personalization Page to see if we could pull the External Document Number from hidden fields within the data tables.
Problem: Unable to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
Let's find that field, the External Document Number and add it to the List Page for Unapply Vendor Entries.
Problem: Unable to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
We search for the External Document No. in the Search Box but find no results. Therefore, we assume the Microsoft Business Central developers didn't expose that field in this List Page.
Problem: Unable to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
Perhaps AL (Application Language) can help?
Application Programming Language for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Customizability and Flexibility: AL enables tailored solutions to fit specific business workflows and processes.
Seamless Integration with Business Central: AL ensures custom extensions fully integrate with Business Central's core functionalities.
Cloud-Ready and Future-Proof: AL is designed for cloud environments, aligning with Microsoft's future plans for Business Central.
Efficient Development and Deployment: AL allows for quick development, testing, and deployment with minimal disruption.
Strong Community and Support: AL benefits from robust community support and comprehensive Microsoft resources.
Solution: ABLE to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
We wrote some AL (Application Language) code to expose the External Document Number and now we will view the applied invoices against this vendor payment number 13045 to see if the External Document Number column is included on that Page.
Solution: ABLE to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
Yes, now we see the External Document Number column inserted into the Unapply Vendor Entries List Page with the vendor invoice number (External Document Number) matching the Initial Document Number VEND004545.
Solution: ABLE to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
We used the Find Entries window to verify the External Document Number for the first line in the prior List Page with Initial Document Number VEND004545.
Will drill into the Vendor Ledger Entry to make sure the External Document Number matches from the prior screen which is 74967563.
Solution: ABLE to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
We verified the External Document Number by drilling into the original invoice entry in the Vendor Ledger Entries Page. Our AL (Application Language) code proved to be a success.
Problem Solved: ABLE to see the External Document Nos of the Vendor invoices Applied to a Vendor Payment
AL (Application Language) did help our Business Central accounting user save many hours of chasing paper invoices buried in the file cabinets
We used AL to expose the External Document No field in the Vendor Ledger so all applied invoices against any payment could be verified directly from Business Central.
And Here’s the code…
pageextension 80317 UnapplyVendorEntries extends "Unapply Vendor Entries"
addafter("Vendor No.")
field("External Doc No."; GetExternalDocNo_PDG())
Caption = 'External Doc No.';
ApplicationArea = All;
Style = Favorable;
procedure GetExternalDocNo_PDG(): Code[35]
VendLedgEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry";
if VendLedgEntry.Get(Rec."Vendor Ledger Entry No.") then;
exit(VendLedgEntry."External Document No.");